I’m back with another post! Today, we would be talking about growing baby hair on the forehead. Baby hair are generally tender and soft hair which grow on your back, shoulder, ears, and face. It is normal to see baby hair on the body, even among women. Baby hair looks good on the forehead as it gives your locks a fuller look. If you want to know how you can grow baby hair on your forehead, keep reading.

Olive oil massage

Olive oil contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which can boost the growth of baby hair on the forehead. It also helps to keep your skin nourished and moisturized, thus increasing the chance of boosting hair growth. Take some olive oil and massage it on the forehead. Leave it overnight and wash off with cold water in the morning. Repeat this remedy every day for a month to observe baby hair on the forehead.
Aloe vera treatment
Another effective treatment which can boost hair growth is using aloe vera. Aloe vera contains essential enzymes and properties which can make baby hair grow quicker. Take aloe vera leaves and scoop out fresh aloe vera. Apply it on the forehead and massage for some time. Wash off after an hour. You can also use aloe vera juice.
Camphor oil

Camphor oil can make baby hair grow on the forehead and also helps to restore the pH balance of the skin. It boosts hair growth and stimulates blood flow to the scalp. Take 2-3 spoons of camphor oil and mix it with equal amount of yogurt. Apply this mixture on the forehead and wait for an hour. Wash off with water.
Spinach juice
Due to the high amount of Omega 3 fatty acids present in spinach, it can help baby hair grow on the forehead. Omega 3 fatty acids are extremely important in boosting hair growth. Take a few leaves of spinach and extract juice from them. Apply it on the forehead and wash off after two hours. This is a natural and effective way to get baby hair on the forehead.
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Cumin seed mask

Cumin seeds contain a high amount of antioxidants and amino acids which play a major role in growing baby hair. Since cumin seeds have more than 100 nutrients, they show positive results in hair growth. Take some cumin seeds and soak them in water. Grind them to a make a paste and add some castor oil to it. Massage your forehead and scalp with this oil. Leave it overnight and rinse off with lukewarm water later.
Due to amino acids like proline, gelatine can help you grow baby hair on the scalp easily. Amino acids found in gelatine can help in boosting hair growth and also keep your skin moisturized. Take 2-3 spoons of gelatine and add it to cold water. Add one spoon of honey and one spoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix all the ingredients together and massage this mixture on your scalp. Rinse off with lukewarm water.
Onion juice

Onion contains a high amount of sulfur, which can help in growing baby hair on the forehead. Take some onions and cut them into pieces. Now extract juice and apply on the forehead. Allow onion juice to dry hair. Wait for some time and rinse off with cold water. This remedy can help you grow baby hair on the forehead.
Curry leaves
Being the powerhouse of amino acids and antioxidants, curry leaves proves to be beneficial in growing baby hair on the forehead. Take some curry leaves and grind them to make a paste. Add 1-2 drops of castor oil and mix together. Apply the paste on the forehead and wash off with cold water after some time. Use this curry leaf mask every day to encourage the growth of baby hair on the forehead.
Summer Go-To Hairstyles for Natural Hair
With summer on its way, we’re all gearing up for a season of protective styles! From braids, faux locs, to slayed frontals, summer is sure to be filled with black hair magic. As we twist and braid down our curls for these styles, we have to be mindful of how we take care and maintain the edges we have left after Beychella. It is important to preserve the health and thickness of not only our crown but the perimeter of our fros. Giving your edges a little extra TLC during a protective style is key to flourishing hair even when in wraps.
Oils, Oils, and More Oils
The edges of our hair are the most fragile strands on our entire head. They tend to go under the most manipulation given they are the accent to even the most simplistic styles. They are also one of the most ignored areas when oiling one’s scalp as we often tend to focus on the center of the crown. Our edges need love too! Massaging your edges with your favorite oil can not only strengthen the hair strand but the actual hair follicle as well.
Stimulating hair growth and promoting durability during a protective style is achieved by just applying a small amount of oil to your fingertips and massaging gently every night. Many hair experts recommend doing this after a hot shower as the follicles are nice and open from the steam. Castor, Argon, and Olive oil are go-to oils for most naturals when it comes to this method as they act not only as food to the edges but gives the hair a gentle hold before edge control.